Below we try to answer the most frequent questions we receive.

Restockwatch.com is affiliated with many of the sites we track, We monitor public and affiliate apis for changes and update users with stock updates.
When something is found in stock we alert users in several ways.
1. Our drop feed lists the latest items that appear in stock.
2. We tweet links to the product on our twitter page.
3. Using our YouTube livestream you can watch the scanner in action, The scanner will play a sound when a product is found in stock
4. Our twitter links are reshared to our discord server.
The YouTube stream has a small delay of around 3 seconds.
The Drop feed has an average delay if 1 to 2 seconds.
The Twitters delay is less than a seconds
The discord delay is on par with twitter with a delay of less than a second.
High demand items can sell out in seconds so it's important that you monitor the alerts closely.
The product not adding to cart does not mean it's sold out, Typically it means that the amazon server is overloaded for that item.

The best thing to do in this case, is go back a page, back to where the add to cart button is and try to add it to cart again.
You might need to do this hundreds of times to actually get an item.
It's advised to do this every time until you either get the item or the item goes out of stock.
We keep the lights on thanks to your donations, ad revenue and amazon affiliate links.
We hate scalpers.

Scalpers buy up available stock at retail price and then sell stuff at inflated prices which makes it harder for the average joe to buy stuff at a reasonable price.

Anyone who attempts to scalp in our Discord server or YouTube Channel will be banned.

Anyone who brags about scalping or promotes it will be banned.
Not Currently.
We are for the most part funded entirely by affiliate link usage and filtering those stores out would strip us of the income required to keep this service running.

Having said that, There is a possiblity of it in the future but that feature would likely require some form of monthy cost on the user to be able to use.

We do not supply or sell any hardware or software of any kind.
All we do is give you an edge with information regarding the Availability of products.
As a regular paypal donor you get our admiration and gratitude, also the feeling you feel from knowing that you're helping keep this service running for yourself and others.

As a discord donor…
Those who donate inside of our discord server will get a special role which correlates to their donation amount.
This is how you represent the fact that you put your money where your mouth is and helped out.

Also discord donors get access to a donor only voice chat and text chat rooms.
And last but not least, discord donors get first access in trying out new services.
For example, if we release a phone app, discord donors will have access to test it out before the general public.
As funny as it may seem the scarcity of products have created a community, the community has slang for different things.

For example:
A drop usually means a larger restock of a specific product or many.
So if we said: (Bestbuy dropped on Wednesday) This means that a major restock happened and many products where available this past Wednesday.
- No spamming
- No racist / homophobic terms
- No discussion of/advertisements of/links to buy bots
- No advertisement of other drop servers
- No scalping or the promotion/encouragement thereof
- No crypto or any other affiliate Links
- No giftcard sales
- No Gofundme or anything similar (without Admin approval)
- Only advertise in self-promotion
- Arguments are allowed so long as they don't break any other rules and don't disrupt the flow of chat.
- Politics are allowed ONLY in off-topic
- Posting false information about drops/faking drops and baiting users will result in a week mute for first offenders, and a ban for repeat offenders.
- No Selling Queue Positions or Shuffle Spots
- No Wholesale Advertisements in the buying or selling section.

- Just be chill and helpful
P.S. Any of discord's ToS rules still apply in this server.
New user on our discord server are restricted from posting in the buy and sell area for the first 7 days.
We do this to prevent seller spam.
You can report bugs to us by joining our discord server at http://discord.gg/gpu
From there submit a ticket by messaging MODMail.